Friday, January 28, 2011

Spaghetti Tastes Funny Roccaforte


As announced by the previous post, signed by President iw6dse, the second " Booster Club "consists of Marino, iw6dsf (key) and Guido, iw6atu (unskilled worker) went on Mount Murano for the third time in history (we hope not infinite and has no more episodes of Beautifull!) .
work this afternoon and was simply to remove the pole bent and recuparare antennas to secure the site and, as always, that sounds easy but you try to work in difficult conditions with temperatures close to zero!
least hear the 'call of the president!
Here are some pictures of' intervention.

Maxi Mounds Health Problems

snow does not stop us

Today the team of maintenance technicians is to reach two separate locations, "" difficulty "!!!!!
IW6AOL this morning with his friend reached the station in dell'Ru21 Montegrimano with many difficulties as you can see from the photos shown here.
afternoon instead Marino (IW6DSF) and Guido (IW6ATU) have returned to their station dell'RU19 to remove the pole bent in recent days, to avoid damage to other antennas.
Even with all the bad weather the technical staff of CISARANCONA does not stop to give way to you who are in the warmth of your house to talk with another OM touch of a PTT.
not asking for a grace or a fee, but ADOPERATELI ........ ......... PEOPLE
Meditate, meditate. More pictures of the station
While the video on You Tube you can reach here!

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Cheap Camera Lens Case 1


As announced yesterday, and today I Stefano IW 6 AOL we have to arrive at the location of ' RU 19 through a beautiful landscape. While there
approached the station and saw the possibility more concrete to be able to get the repeater , talked of being fortunate.
Upon arriving there, however, we realized that we had the good fortune accompanied only in part.
The pole that supported the bridge of the antenna was bent 90 degrees, the dipole antenna was placed on a pole on top of another casottino . That's why we
restored the remote but left off the bridge.
We'll see how to remedy the problem in the shortest possible time.
Below the sequence of ' arrival, the viewing of the pile and leaving.
Other images, both those of today, that those footage here!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Does Wax Paper Expire

tomorrow morning, and I will try to go to the station IW6AOL dell'RU19 again to start following the grounding of ENEL for a full day. This long break after the fact is that the phone went out for the remote. It will also serve to control the status of the antennas and cables. I started with
test because currently there are about 50 cm of snow. Here are two pictures taken by Charles IW6CQA Tuesday.
As the Post first, " is not that we turned, we wrist."

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Can Eating Yogurt Help Clear Yeast Infection

IW6AOL informs us ...

After failed attempts empty (Friday 21), I had to stop at two kilometers by the lens to a wall of snow over two meters in the middle of the road (trail driveway) left from the bulldozer because of breakage thereof.
This morning I phoned the owner of a herd of cattle which is located near the station (2km) to get news about the possibility of achieving it. This told me that everything is still stuck up there and that even the turbine of the City is broken in an attempt to reopen the road remained in the street. Maybe tomorrow will resume its work and still come clean only to the last building (occupied homes only intermittently but with animals in it) and this is about one km from the station. The farmer has nevertheless offered to accompany me with his tractor to the location on the understanding that fail to settle and remove the turbine route from the middle of the road.
Be patient but more than that I just can not do, we hope that the weekend will be able to restore the system.
Believe ....... Greetings iw6aol Stefano.

Monday, January 24, 2011

How To Attach Shower Door Track

The units of the Secretary are selling ...!

It is really true!
In the most literal sense of the word, in fact, last week, to our Secretary of the Chamber (for the uninitiated IW6DSD, Fabio) was, as it were, taken, removed, stolen ... or maybe just "cheated" his Yaesu FT8800 from his car.
The Villain (read thief) did not know what the front panel only and we do very little ... then pray to the "Dude" to be alive, so Fabio's could provide the rest of the 'apparatus, perhaps even to enter this well gratitamente Cisar!
Seriously, if you perhaps have someone of useful info, please contact Fabio DSD.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

License Driveragencyohio

Grimano Monte, Monte Cucco

worry! The bridge of RU21 Monte Grimano (Link National Cisar) does not go to some other body, but simply, we refer to the change of SIM mobile phone for remote control of repeater station.
As already reported in some previous post we fitted all our stations of a remote control system is accessible via a radio-amateur (VHF / UHF) or via a mobile phone.
This solution, maybe a little amateur radio, however, can have the remote control from anywhere in the territory without being in radio range with the 'receiving apparatus, this applies especially to the national system, making it possible, in any mautentore, remotely manage the various radio links.
Ultimately we have gradually replaced the SIM of all mobile phones by adopting a single operator to issues of commonality and lower operating costs (not those who tell you not to advertise ...); then Stephen (iw6aol), improving the signal, has directed the 'new antenna to the BTS (see photo).

Since we were there we also verified the correct functioning of the system after the recent reactivation of the crux of Mouth Trabaria, stopped just over a month ago due to bad weather (see post on the national site ), the signals are excellent results both to the Zone 2 and 3 with an excellent time of speech.

Here are some images of the "walk" today on M. Grimano while for a historical album click here and the video on you-tube click here , we made a quick trip to San Marino, but this is a 'different story ...

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Can A Doctor Call In Klonopin

exchange operator, the work continues ...

We wanted to give you this afternoon 's announcement that the repeater Monte Cucco, RU30 alpha, was returned to full efficiency, more beautiful and bright ... That first Instead
for unavoidable reasons, beyond our control was not possible to reactivate the system in the new configuration. In other words, more simply, the weather we were advised to get in the top of the truss 's installation of' collinear antenna booster. The wind on the crest of
Montarone (top of the Group of M. Cucco ) spirit rather impetuous and, moreover, very hard!
It was decided to wait for a better day, while we moved equipment in the new hall provided by a note Messac Radio Umbra.
Here are some pictures of work today, too bad that photos can not be reached to feel the wind, let alone give the feeling the cold! To see more pictures, even the "historical" click here!
the next episode ... hopefully it will be the final!

Monday, January 10, 2011

Pain In A Mouth When Trying To Open

CQ Serenade

Some friend and fellow amateur radio operator asked me the info about the song of the end credits of the video of the fair in Civitanova (unsurprisingly someone had the patience to go through with it ...), I want to please them at once.
Click here to reach the site where I downloaded the song and where you can get information about the 'origin and the authors and performers of the piece.

For the lazy I propose it directly below.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Emulateur Sans Dongle Super Pro Rainbow

wishes for a happy and peaceful 2011

Remembering our Beacon / ATV repeter: