Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Sudden Motion Sickness

Toshi Shino

known for the case a decade ago, when he was hunting for people who really animated Venice with their products, and eager to capture everything with his camera, I became a admirer (Because I love photography) but also a friend of his. Shino Toshi is a Japanese photographer well known at home and abroad, a lover of Venice, but also of good wine. Whenever it comes to Venice to see us contact maybe making a quick toast.
not arrived so suddenly (as always) but after many arrangements for the arrival time, because it was one of those famous days that the tide has risen in Venice in an exaggerated way (one meter and fifty centimeters? ?!) That the 1st December, arrived with his Italian friends but also friends from other nations.
exchanged greetings after months since you saw, I thanked him for sending me his last book that speaks of the inns (wine bars) of Venice
. Within its pleasure-paths to the standard of cicchetti (small tastings / gluttony salt typical of Venice) and good wine, also entered the picture when I run things and also a reference to my craft and my products ...
When he was here in my shop as well as to thank him I asked him his due dedication
jealously in the book that I keep on the shelf.

Placed dedication to his friends I performed a small Santa Claus at the end esitaii not to give him in the name of the old friendship ..

A warm greeting and thanking Toshi on my part. Hello

Monday, December 15, 2008

Doritos Company Phone Number

glass beads or plastic beads ??????

Now that inevitably are forced home,
(high tide ^ 15 days) re-ordering my digital photos I found some photos and it came back to mind that day 's summer and two ladies were watching me in my window while I worked. My curiosity (and not tell me that curiosity is the only female!) Fell on the necklace of one of the two ladies that had just happened the same design of the dress .. The invited to come and asked what was the series of the same design and color of the dress if the pearls had performed Lei. I said yes and congratulating with you to run I said - but it's a long time running glass beads? Her smile made me a little embarrassed.
No, not glass, looking glass?? When I nodded she told me that she had been carried out but were with a material called FIMO .

I stopped working to satisfy my curiosity. Toccata was a gem but it seemed very light in every way a pearl of etched glass. He explained that even if they were glass beads were very difficult to do, congratulating her, I asked where he came from and if I could take some photos to remember the event.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Upgrading A Barclays Cash Card Account

Irene Gorla is the 6th finalist

As announced last night by Nicola Boccia, Irene Gorla wins the tie with 41.5% of the vote, followed by Ex- Animo (29.2%), Alberto Cimmarusti (24.7%), Adam (2.7%) and lagging behind the Arcadia (1.9%).

Who will be the 7th finalist ALIBI and OIL? It's your choice voting rhfestival@radiohinterland.com from tomorrow you can listen to mp3 of two bands on our site!

Project Magenta Pmsystem

Tonight repechage final results + new challenge

new appointment at 19:30, find out who is going to go through between 5 eliminated the above challenges and become the 6th finalist. We will also have a challenge between groups fall in battle and ALIBI OIL.
Recall that the entries are still open so you can send your mail to: rhfestival@radiohinterland.com

Friday, December 5, 2008

How To Style Bangs Different Ways

Standings partial

who have heard the broadcast last night, have already found out where they are located and with that percentage the top 5 finalists, and now also reveal the Blog:

1. Samantha Found
25.7% 2. Anna Romano
25.2% 3. Pop
X 21.1% 4. Danilo Benzi
19.4% 5. Emanuele De Francesco 8.6%

Please from now and until next Thursday to vote for the repechage ( rhfestival@radiohinterland.com ), the 5 challengers only + reaches Cast Samantha, Anna, Pop X Daniel and Emma in the final:
- Alberto Cimmarusti
- Ex-Animo
- Adam
- Irene Gorla
- Arcadia

Thursday, December 11 at 19:30 discover the Cast +!

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Lacunar Infarct And Ear


Monday 1th december 2008 my glass shop ...
The question is: Is my
glass shop in Venice lagoon or the Venice lagoon in my shop??
:-) :-) :-( :-(