Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Sudden Motion Sickness

Toshi Shino

known for the case a decade ago, when he was hunting for people who really animated Venice with their products, and eager to capture everything with his camera, I became a admirer (Because I love photography) but also a friend of his. Shino Toshi is a Japanese photographer well known at home and abroad, a lover of Venice, but also of good wine. Whenever it comes to Venice to see us contact maybe making a quick toast.
not arrived so suddenly (as always) but after many arrangements for the arrival time, because it was one of those famous days that the tide has risen in Venice in an exaggerated way (one meter and fifty centimeters? ?!) That the 1st December, arrived with his Italian friends but also friends from other nations.
exchanged greetings after months since you saw, I thanked him for sending me his last book that speaks of the inns (wine bars) of Venice
. Within its pleasure-paths to the standard of cicchetti (small tastings / gluttony salt typical of Venice) and good wine, also entered the picture when I run things and also a reference to my craft and my products ...
When he was here in my shop as well as to thank him I asked him his due dedication
jealously in the book that I keep on the shelf.

Placed dedication to his friends I performed a small Santa Claus at the end esitaii not to give him in the name of the old friendship ..

A warm greeting and thanking Toshi on my part. Hello


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