I borrowed the title from 'e-mail sent by the secretariat to inform readers of this blog that our Association has had a moment of "visibility" in the local press ( Corriere Adriatico said, "and a liar" from Ancona), Senigallia on the Chronicle, which reported the news of the Annual Meeting of Members.
He says: Rad ioamatori that passion, come ten other members
Senigallia. Radio amateurs Cisar of Ancona, based in Cinnamon, in convention assembled to verify the results and plan future objectives. The section has 54 members, with 10 new members since the beginning of 2011. During the meeting, those present have investigated the functional status of the bridges by amateur radio and at the disposal of the regional civil protection, installed, operated and maintained by amateur radio operators, with membership fees and donations.
Here 's article "scanned"
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